5 Top Tips to Prevent Jackknifing

Staying in Control

Avoiding a jackknife is all about staying in control. One of the most dangerous situations a trucker can encounter is when the trailer swings out from behind, forming a sharp “V” shape. This is known as jackknifing, and it can lead to accidents and expensive repairs. Regardless if you’re new to the job or have years of experience, preventing this risk is worth some extra attention. Here are our five top tips to help prevent jackknifing and avoid needing Hillsboro semi recovery services.

Hillsboro semi recovery

1. Control Your Speed

Keeping speed in check is one of the most effective ways to prevent jackknifing. The faster you drive, the harder it is to control the vehicle, especially when making sudden stops or turns. On slippery roads, the risk of jackknifing increases. We should reduce our speed in bad weather and during heavy traffic. This gives you more time to react if something goes wrong. 

2. Avoid Hard Braking

Sudden braking is a major cause of jackknifing. When slamming the brakes, the trailer’s momentum can cause it to swing out of line with the truck. To avoid this, practice smooth, gradual braking, especially when carrying heavy loads. Using engine braking can also help slow down the vehicle without risking a jackknife. This method allows the driver to maintain control, even when descending steep hills or navigating sharp curves.

Use Your Brakes Wisely

Instead of relying on just the foot brake, consider using the truck’s air brakes or engine brake to slow down. This distributes braking force more evenly, which helps keep both the tractor and trailer in sync.

3. Keep Your Trailer Balanced

An unevenly loaded trailer can easily lead to jackknifing. When loading trailers, it’s important to distribute the weight evenly. Too much weight on one side can cause the trailer to sway, making it harder to control. An unbalanced load increases the chances of dangerous situations during sharp turns or sudden maneuvers. 

4. Stay Alert to Road Conditions

Road conditions play a big role in preventing jackknifing. Wet, icy, or uneven roads can reduce traction, making it easier for a jackknife to happen. Stay alert to changing conditions and adjust your driving accordingly. This means slowing down on wet roads, keeping extra distance between vehicles, and watching for patches of ice. Paying attention to road signs and weather reports can help anticipate dangerous conditions.

5. Use Your Mirrors and Stay Aware of Blind Spots

Awareness is key when driving a semi. Drivers must constantly check mirrors and blind spots to ensure the trailer properly tracks behind the truck. Watching for any unusual movement can help spot trouble before it happens. If you see the trailer beginning to shift, it’s important to gently correct the vehicle’s path before things get out of hand. Semi drivers who stay aware of their trailer’s position are less likely to have to call for a towing company or a Hillsboro semi recovery service.

Hillsboro semi heavy recovery

Trust Ives Towing for Hillsboro Semi Recovery

Even with the best precautions, accidents can happen. When they do, truckers can rely on Ives Towing for fast and professional Hillsboro semi recovery services. We’re an experienced team that knows how to handle tough recoveries and how to get your truck back on the road quickly. Our crew will always aim to minimize downtime for drivers with every Hillsboro semi recovery we undertake. No matter how prepared you are, unexpected incidents can happen at any time, especially when the road is long. Staying safe is always the goal, but when things go wrong, it’s good to know you have experts by your side. Trust Ives Towing for Hillsboro semi recovery whenever you need fast, reliable help. For any situation, big or small, you can count on us for top-notch Hillsboro semi recovery service that gets you back on track.

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